Have you built a new website, or maybe you have an older website but have never seen any activity on your site. Have you ever wondered how you can double website leads on your website? A website has to be regularly changed to avoid becoming stale. If you have a website, you should schedule time each and every week to nourish your website to avoid it becoming irrelevant. Here are seven ways you can increase the number of visitors on your website and keep your website fresh.
1. Know your goals.
If you have a website, you certainly need to know what you want to achieve with it. You should determine your short-term and long-term goals and be clear on what actions you want your visitors to take. Whether you want them to subscribe to your newsletters, submit their email or leave you their contact information. Design a clear path, so visitors will know exactly what to do when visiting your website. This also helps your visitors find the information they are looking for.
2. Build trust and authority.
If your visitors find that you are trustworthy they are more likely to take action on your website. It is easier to generate website leads by creating a section for testimonials and reviews from other customers to build authority and trust. Offering a money back guarantee or warranty helps to build trust. Your website helps visitors gauge your trustworthiness.
3. Beautiful Branding can Help Double Website Leads.
Branding is a way to captivate your visitors. Websites that have high quality design and a professional logo are more attractive to your website visitors. Colours and layout are consistent, with readable text; help to lead viewers around the site. Tell your story in a video and in an article and include your big WHY. Tell your visitors why you are doing what you do and what they should expect from the website. How does Branding Work?
4. Be search friendly to help generate website leads.
If your web page is found easily on the web, more visitors will be directed to it. Choose clear keywords and write content that is rich in those keywords to make it easier for people to locate your web page. Link your page internally with others. This gives the visitor an assurance that your web page is a wealth of information making them want to visit it more often. Top of Google Tips.
5. Be compelling.
Create clear calls to action (CTA) and strong headlines to compel your visitors to commit. Talk about your prospect’s pain points, and they will have confidence that you are aware and can solve their problems. Clear and unique value propositions compel your visitors to commit and even subscribe to your newsletters or leave you their contact information.
6. Be irresistible.
If you are compelling enough, you will also be irresistible to the visitors. Offer them incredible value free, in exchange of their email. This should be an offer that they won’t be able to pass over. After they leave you their email, surprise them with something special after.
7. Have amazing lead capture points.
Create clear primary and secondary calls to action and blog opt-ins. A blog is a wealth of information about your product or service. You should make sure that your visitors learn as much as they can. Pop up light boxes are also a way to convince visitors to opt in. An exit pop up offer after your visitor leaves the site provides another opportunity for users to download valuable information.
For more info, download our 47 Point Checklist or for a personalized assessment of your website sign up for our FREE website checkup.